so i know i am super slacker most of the time
but all of a sudden my life is super hectic
i need about 10 more hours in the day to just do laundry and wash bottles
so unfortunately blogging and reading my favorite blogs
is very low on my list of things to do these days
i miss it :(
that said, check out what my super cool and awesomely handsome mister got me
back off ladies, the man is mine :)
love you sweetie!
(please forgive my appearance, makeup isn't a priority at the moment either)
so hopefully the ipad which will now be referred to as my new bf :)
will at least enable me to read the blogs i have been missing so much
moving on, going back to work and having 2 children to take care of has proved to be...
but most of all FABULOUS!
i am so thankful for my children, husband and career
i know i will get better at this mom of 2 job as time goes on
so hopefully i can get things organized and start blogging again
but for now there will probably random and few posts
here are a few photos from the last few weeks to catch you up
babies grow up way too fast
but she's a cutie ;)
the kids swimming with their very soon to be aunt heather
love you and thanks for having us over :)
playing in the water with his good friend
trying to do laundry
my kids (taken today!)
like jack's summer haircut?
and my favorite pic from today
daddy's girl
SO sweet